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Egypt: Old Kingdom Update 8 Download


Updated: Mar 10, 2020

About This Game You are one of the multitudes of incarnations of the great Horus, and side by side with the pharaohs, you are fighting against the mighty Seth, who unleashes numerous disasters upon the lands of Ancient Egypt. Win wars and overcome crises, discover new technologies, worship your gods and conquer neighboring tribes! Are you wise enough to help the ancient kings to unify Lower and Upper Egypt, build a stable economy and to erect the Great Pyramids?Based on real historyYou will find yourself in Memphis, 3500-2140 years B.C., the time of the first six dynasties of pharaohs. You will unify the country and create a prosperous kingdom, which later will have to face the havoc of the First Intermediate Period.Construction of the Great PyramidsYou will lead the construction of pyramids, choose their design and materials. This process requires tremendous investments, but it is the only way to keep peace and order in the country.Ancient society simulatorYou will not only deal with the problems of farmers and craftsmen but also make important political decisions, which will define the future of the kingdom. Numerous challenges and events of different scale await you.Ancient mapsDiscover the world of the Old Kingdom: exploit new lands, send expeditions to different places, and meet different cultures. Use every opportunity to learn about your surroundings and to expand Egypt's borders.Differences from Predynastic EgyptMore diversity in the game, varied tasks in the regions, different tactics for playthroughs and unique bonuses from patron gods.Egypt: Old Kingdom is longer.New technologies: 3D engine and skeletal animation. 1075eedd30 Title: Egypt: Old KingdomGenre: Indie, Simulation, StrategyDeveloper:Clarus VictoriaPublisher:Clarus VictoriaRelease Date: 24 May, 2018 Egypt: Old Kingdom Update 8 Download egypt old kingdom kaufen. egypt old middle new kingdom. old kingdom egypt burial. egypt old kingdom map. egypt old kingdom literature. egypt old kingdom mods. egyptian old kingdom timeline. egypt old kingdom capital. egypt old kingdom app. egypt old kingdom vs new kingdom. egypt old kingdom 4pda. egypt old kingdom game guide. egypt old kingdom architecture. old kingdom egypt laws. old kingdom 4th dynasty egypt. egyptian old kingdom rulers. egypt old kingdom vsetop. ancient egypt old kingdom culture. egypt old kingdom pdf. egypt old kingdom quizlet. egypt old kingdom master of history-skidrow. let's play egypt old kingdom. egypt old kingdom master of history game. egypt old kingdom let's play fr. the egyptian old kingdom was a city-state. old kingdom of egypt. egypt old kingdom gog. egypt old kingdom economy. egypt old kingdom 3dm. egypt old kingdom food. egypt old middle new kingdom dates. egypt old kingdom jeuxvideo. egypt old kingdom igg. old kingdom egypt national geographic. old kingdom egypt ka. egyptian old kingdom master of history. egypt's old kingdom worksheet answers. egypt uncovers old kingdom cemetery. egypt old kingdom the game. egypt old kingdom mac. egypt old kingdom summary. the old kingdom of egypt fell due to. old kingdom egypt dynasties 3-6. egypt old kingdom. egypt old kingdom slaves. egypt's old kingdom ended for all of the following except. ancient egypt old kingdom definition. egypt old kingdom game release date. egypt old kingdom collapse. egypt old kingdom pharaohs. egypt old kingdom full. egypt old kingdom review. ancient egypt old kingdom furniture. egypt old kingdom youtube. egypt old kingdom language. old kingdom egypt essay. egypt old middle and new kingdom timeline. egypt old kingdom vs predynastic egypt. egypt old kingdom wiki. egypt old kingdom pc review. egypt old kingdom steam key. egypt old kingdom period. ancient egypt old kingdom weapons. egypt old kingdom game wiki. egypt old kingdom time period. egypt old kingdom land. old kingdom of egypt facts. egypt old kingdom mod apk. old kingdom vs ancient egypt. egypt old kingdom game decentralization. egypt old kingdom igg games. egypt old kingdom steam. egypt old kingdom cheats. egypt old kingdom wiki game. egypt old kingdom ios. egypt old kingdom pc gameplay. egypt old kingdom clarus victoria. old kingdom egypt farming. egypt old kingdom master of history. old kingdom egypt hieroglyphics. egypt old kingdom events. egypt old kingdom fr. egypt old kingdom game tips. old kingdom of egypt timeline. egypt old kingdom master of history gameplay. ancient egypt old kingdom video. old kingdom egypt burial practices. egypt's old kingdom worksheet. egypt old kingdom military. old kingdom egypt bird Clarus Victoria's finest work and a worthy addition to anybody's library.. RESPECT FROM TURKEY! THANKS FOR TURKISH LANGUAGE ALSO! Nice game, I really like it but you guys need to do more improve and additions. Actually ı never play turn-based strategy games and ı didn't like this style games because of the games seems like chess (you have wait enemy step by step) but this game it's not like a chess ı mean you don't need to wait enemy movement just passing time for the next step so thats good. Unfortunately 15 hours later ı am getting bored. :/-First of all need more area on the map to extend Arabia, more part of Africa also Greece, also there is no Thebes, Babylon, Fertile on map ı guess, more diplomacy stuff need also definitely need military units.-There is a few bugs when use steam with tab+shift game stuck also ''hyenas'' animal descriptions written very weird in Turkish language.. I'm finding this game to be a lot of fun. It is "flow resource" oriented as opposed to "transport resource" oriented, meaning you don't wait for a mined resource to arrive at its spot. When a citizen produces food it immediately adds +1 (or whatever) to the total food output, etc.The game is a bit "on rails" as you basically keep up with the historical narrative, but I personally enjoy objective-based gameplay (like Anno 2205) as opposed to straight sandbox stuff.As the map spreads out, the game could use a few more tools to help you optimize resources better, right now it's mostly just a lot of scrolling around to go, "Oh yeah.. there's a better place for this guy now, lemme put him there." Not sure what form that would be implemented in though.The blend of history + gameplay is really enjoyable, and all the little historical notes all over the place are fun. Still haven't beat it yet and I'm already itching to start over again just for fun.8/10 - would proclaim myself a god and rule Egypt again. The gameplay is modest for a city builder in this day and age, and the strategic part of the game doesn't ask much - basically, a tug of war between your adversary's army and yours, with the outcome heavily dependent on who has the most soldiers.Visually, much of what you see in the preview is exactly what you can expect in the game: simple and abstract, not entirely different from a boardgame.I enjoyed the soundtrack for its ambience, and the cinematics were a pleasant touch (reminded me of the old Civ II wonder clips, in a good way). All in all, Egypt: Old Kingdom is a humble game, but I thoroughly enjoyed my first playthrough. The developers clearly had respect for Egyptian history, and I found the educational aspect of the game is where it really shines. It's a fun game, stuck somewhere between a city builder, turn-based strategy, and boardgame. I'd recommend this game to those looking for something different from conventional strategy or city builder games. What it lacks in depth and challenge it makes up for in the competent execution of its setting, as well as the educational aspects (I can't remember the last time a game included optional quizzes for the player to review what they've learned).. The interface is fine, the art style is apealing and the setting is great. However, city-building/management/stategy games like this demand a certain amount of player freedom that this title refuses to provide. I went to great lengths to ensure that I was not dominated by any other culture, even restructuring my culture into a more martial society, in order to ensure my own player agency in the game. All the same, said agency is methodically stripped away and the player is left with only token "technology" upgrades that are rendered meaningless by the fact that they all improve your producton of resources and none are mutually exclusive so there's no reason not to buy absolutely all of them. This game railroads the player down the path of history instead of letting them meaningfuly engage with the world it presents. I ended up failing to build tombs that I didn't have resources for and didn't ever want to build anyway, for characters I'd never seen, interacted with or even heard of until a pop-up text informed me of their unproven importance. What the developers have clearly lost sight of is the fact that in a video game, in order for the player to want to do something, they have to be given a reason other than just flatly being told to do it. In order to get me to build monuments and tombs, I need to know that those structures will serve to commemorate and preserve MY legacy. I'M supposed to be building this civilization, after all. Or am I? Who am I? I'm not a god, because the game keeps telling me to worship those. I'm not a Pharoah, because the game keeps teling me to bury those. So, who is the player? The game has removed the two most crucial means of player engagement: agency and identity. They should have just written a book.. I ended up liking the first Egypt game more than I expected to, but this one is slower and harder. No joy. Developers Diary, Issue #8: Pyramids construction. Egypt: Old Kingdom now available in Brazilian Portuguese and Malay languages!: Guess what? Our dream came true!Thanks to our amazing volunteers Egypt: Old Kingdom is now available in Brazilian Portuguese and Malay languages! We're happy more people from Brazil, Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia, Singapour and other countries can now join our community and discover the world of Ancient Egypt!If you wish to make your input and translate Egypt: Old Kingdom in your language, welcome to join our Crowdin project: Click here to go to Crowdin[]. Version 1.0.13 New part of bug fixes: Bug fixes. Version 2.0.2. Balance and bugs fixing: Balance changes. Build 1.0.15 Huge list of updates and balance fixes.: Bug fixesFixed the fail of the 5th trial in case of the victory in the final battle;Fixed the mistake when Seth's sandstorm had no impact on Narmer's army;Fixed the bug when the reforms rejection chance could be increased over 100% during the 7th trial;Fixed the mixed up good effects during the simultaneous construction of a pyramid and King Khasekhemwy's constructions;Fixed the sound of construction completed during the loading of the game;Fixed the 8th trial, when another tribe attacked the player before the rebellion, which led to the cancellation of the attack;Fixed the rounding of reparation fees after the area was raided;The icon alerting about Hapi's blessing replaced with the icon used in the area;Fixed the possibility of raids near the river;The pop-up window alerting the player about the attack now can be closed by clicking on the top right corner button;Fixed the 1st trial bug, when two tribes could attack the player at the same time;Fixed the bug when AI raids already raided area;Fixed the bug when the player was attacked by the tribe he himself was trying to conquer during the same turn;Fixed the repetitive bonus for opening the map of Egypt completely;Fixed the bug, when the fire has already disappeared but the worker kept extinguishing it.Fixed the bug when the camera couldn't find the worker killed by fire;Fixed the display of food -0 during the locust invasion;Fixed the display of the number of troops in the tooltip of the 2nd trial;Fixed the bug when the unfinished pyramids of the previous dynasty kept constructing after the dynasty has changed;Fixed the display of selected worker's card frame;Fixed the bug when the worker was killed by lions before the Lions moved to the area with this worker;Fixed the bug when the menu of the area's tasks was accidentally closed when the cursor accidentally hit the icons of the next area;Fixed the display of separatists army in the Upper Egypt area during the 5th trial;Fixed the cancellation of the player's attack during the final of the 1st trial;Fixed the tutorial texts display bugs after said texts were canceled in the dialog;Fixed the spreading of the epidemy to the sea area;Fixed the size of tooltips in various areasFixed the display of terrain when you zoom out the map.Balance fixes and other improvementsTrial No.8: - If you choose to play with Ptah as your patron god, pyramids will be 5% more effective; - When you cancel the upkeeping of your buildings, the power of Chaos increasing by 3%; - Ceasing the maintenance of buildings will decrease the price of maintenance by 1%;Trial No.7: - The progress of reforms begins with 0% regardless of the difficulty; - The price of titles creation changed from 40 points of food to 30 points of luxury; - The price of legal system rationalization decreased from 5% to 4%, the chance of reforms rejection increased from 5% to 10%; - When the chance of reforms rejection reach 100%, the buttons of title creation and reforms are blocked;When you flee from the battlefield for the 2nd time, "attack" and "defense" buttons become inactive;During the battle attack increases damage to 90% (before it was 80%);With Seth as the patron god the force of sandstorm sent by him decreased from 20% to 15%;During the "Separatism increasing" trial the army of separatists increases by 350 +10-12% out of those 350;"Hurry up the construction" button is not available when the construction takes 1 turn to finish;6th dynasty: the reward for finishing the pyramid is increased from 10 to 20 maat per pyramid;Construction of the pyramid of Ibi gives a bonus of decreasing the force of chaos by 10% in the 8th trial;When playing for Seth the sandstorm effect will impact every community, not just the enemies;The terms of getting the reward for the 5th trial are updated. The silver victory is now given in 10 turns after the main trial, the golden victory - after 6 turns.If you conquer the tribe which is battling with another tribe, this another tribe will lose the war;When you scroll the list of authors, you can now stop and resume the scrolling.. Holy Pyramids, look at these discounts!: Discover all secrets of Ancient Egypt during this Summer Sale with our games:✔Newest Clarus Victoria game, Egypt: Old Kingdom - 35% discount! ✔Egypt: Old Kingdom Deluxe version - 50% discount!✔Artbook and soundtrack DLCs, 40% discount for each one!And of course, don't forget about our bundle:✔Clarus Victoria Bundle - 49% Get them all, live like a king!. Developers Diary, Issue #5: CultsIn the previous issue, we were talking about the difficulty of turning historical events into a game. But back then we purposely avoided talking about religions, because there is enough information to create a separate issue. Here we go!In the Egypt Old Kingdom, we will present a new cults menu with 12 Egyptian deities: Horus, Seth, Hapi, Sokar, Ptah, Bastet, Seshat, Neith, Hathor, Ra, Thoth, and Osiris (see the picture below). They are divided into two equal groups: worshipping the first group of gods will supplies player with some quick bonuses for a short period, and worshipping the second groups will instead provide a steady growth of all stats. From the start of the game, only 3 gods will be available for worshipping: Horus, Seth, and Hapi. The rest of them will gradually appear later, after discovering the new technologies or after certain historical events.It took only a few minutes to describe, but the actual R&D (so to speak) process tool quite a lot of time and efforts. The problem was to choose those gods, who were mostly worshipped in Memphis during the Old Kingdom period and then determine their functions in the game so that we could adjust the balance.Existing historical sources gives us some idea about Egyptian gods, but at the same time, there are lots of spaces which don't let us to exactly determine the relationships between some gods, their functions, their position. Besides their functions often overlapped. Most gods had several forms and names, acted illogically, could be good and bad at the same time... to put it short, were quite unpredictable and complex. Some gods were more popular in certain areas, some less... One example will explain it better than tons of explanations. We had to choose between Bastet and Sekhmet, who were often identified as each other. But it's not until the New Kingdom that their images will finally gain more difference: Bastet will become a kind cat-goddess of home and hearth, and Sekhmet will stay a fierce lioness, exterminator of king's enemies. During the Old Kingdom, period cats were not associated with home yet, they were half-wild, and Bastet was also pictured with the lioness' head and was considered to be the "light" side of Sekhmet. In order to avoid unnecessary complexity, we decided to feature Bastet in the cults menu and to give the player a chance to "tame" wayward goddess from time to time. Worshipping this goddess will lower a number of disasters cast by the evil Seth.Sekhmet:Bastet as a lioness:There are some other gods whos complexity made it difficult for us to define their place and functions. Sokar, for example. He's a patron god of Memphis' necropolis, and also had other functions, he was a very important deity for Memphis. But due to his diversity, it was difficult to fully reflect his nature in the game, so we had to limit his abilities in order to adjust the balance of cults menu. Worshipping Sokar will give the player +0.2 points of "Loved by gods" stat per each turn.Here we will also speak a word or two about the rest of the gods from the menu so that their names would not sound completely meaningless :)Worshipping cults not only will help the player to engage in the world of the Ancient Egypt and to realize the meaning of the religion in their lives, but also will make the game more diverse. Depending on the strategy, the gamer can choose to worship the gods with quick bonuses, in order to swiftly solve problems. On the other hands, if the player prefers a stable and sure growth, he might prefer to worship the gods who give long-term bonuses. In this case, he will have a steady growth of all stats regardless the circumstances. Besides the direct worshipping of gods, there will also be a possibility to choose one patron god of Memphis. This function is available at the beginning of the game in the prologue menu. The player can choose among three gods: Horus, Seth, and Ptah (this would be the historical choice). This choice will greatly influence the style of a game - each god has his own tasks and bonuses.Horus:Ptah:Seth:Choosing Ptah, the player will be able to speed up the construction of buildings. Horus will enable the player to swiftly mobilize the army to keep the country safe. Seth will show the player all treasures hidden in the dunes. Each god, being the patron of Memphis, also has his own unique features and options. Imagine, there is a caravan of merchants came to your city. They are hoping for good deals, but poor merchants have no idea that god Seth is the patron of your city, so over next few days they find their merchandise is stolen and you have no shame for doing so Bwahaha! >:] So if you choose Seth as the patron, you'll get the chance to rob merchants or even curse people, but we'll hold more cards close for now! (wink) But honestly, I can't wait to play for Seth! Maybe it has something to do with me watching Thor: Ragnarok a couple days ago and falling hopelessly in love with Loki yet another time XD But I guess I can summon some patience and wait till the first playable version which should be out soon for a beta-test!. Version 1.0.13 New part of bug fixes: Bug fixes. WANTED: GERMAN SPEAKERS!: Do you want to play our game before the official release?Are you a German native speaker? Is your English good? Did you reply "yes" to all three questions?Join our project on Crowdin and bring happiness to fellow German players who will be able to play Egypt: Old Kingdom in their native language right after release!


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